GD-Tropin HGH

GD-Tropin HGH

Recombinant Growth Hormone

Pharmacokinetics and Indications:

GD-Tropin HGH 100 IU/ 10 IU / ML

GD-TROPIN HGH Golden Dragon Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd


• CBNumber: CB1151396

• Molecular Formula: C990H1529N263O299S7

• Formula Weight: 22124.12

Volume : 10 Ml Vial

Dosage : 1 ml/10 IU

storage temp.  :2-8°C

• GD-Tropin HGH, a pituitary-derived human growth hormone, has been used in the treatment of hypopituitary dwarfism for over twenty years.

In 1985 it became known that Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a potentially fatal form of brain degeneration resulting from a slow neurotropic viral infection, had developed in several patients who had received preparations of somatropin in the late 1960s/early 1970s.

This led to the withdrawal of these preparations in many countries. An international collaborative effort was maintained to identify newlydiagnosed cases. By 1990 a total of 30 such cases had been notified. More efficient purification procedures introduced during the 1970s greatly reduced the risk of viral contamination, but products containing pituitary-derived somatropin have been superseded by biosynthetically-manufactured preparations produced using recombinant techniques.

• General Description  GD-Tropin HGH for injection is a natural-sequence human GH of rDNAorigin. Its composition and sequence of amino acids areidentical with those of human GH of pituitary origin. It isadministered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Thedosage range is 0.05 to 0.1 IU.

• Clinical Use Human Growth Hormone(hGH) is a protein that is essential for normal growth and developmentin humans. Human Growth Hormone(hGH) affects many aspects of humandevelopment and metabolism including longitudinalgrowth, regulation (increase) of protein synthesis and lipolysis,and regulation (decrease) of glucose metabolism.

Human Growth Hormone(hGH)has been used as a drug since the 1950s, and it has been extremelysuccessful in the treatment of classic growth hormonedeficiency, chronic renal insufficiency, Turner syndrome,failure to lactate in women, and Prader-Willisyndrome. In its long history, the hormone has been remarkablysuccessful and free of side effects.

Possible Side effects: